Wisdom Teeth
Why See Dr. Krauss?
Because the majority of Bakersfield Dental professionals do not have the advanced training and or the specialized equipment to do wisdom teeth extractions they refer their patients to an oral surgeon, even for simple cases. Bakersfield Smile Design takes pride in their state of the art facility and Dr. Krauss’s advanced expertise which enables them to be one of the premier Bakersfield Dental practices that offers wisdom teeth extractions.
Why Would I Need to Extract My Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in the oral cavity. Very often they are the cause of problems and pain. That’s because their eruption path is longer and more difficult than for other teeth. Sometimes they don’t erupt until a patient is 18-25 years old. Sometimes the space to erupt isn’t enough and the wisdom tooth changes direction and impacts the second molar. This can cause terrible pain and the only way to treat it is to extract the wisdom tooth.
Even when there is enough room for the wisdom tooth to erupt it can still change direction. It can erupt towards the cheek and leave a lesion in it called decubitus lesion, that causes bacterial accumulation and inflammation associated with pain. Sometimes the abnormal erupted tooth injures the muscular tissue causing a lockjaw. Then, the patient can’t open their mouth more then 2 cm and a professional treatment is needed because it a very serious situation.
This is why rather than waiting for a problem to arise, the majority of people have their wisdom teeth extracted as a preventative measure.
How is the Procedure Done?
You will be given you a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding area. If the patient has to remove all 4 wisdom teeth general anesthetics will be needed. For impacted wisdom tooth the doctor will incise the soft tissue that surrounds it with a scalpel creating a flap so he can have a better view of the tooth. Sometimes if the tooth is covered with bone he may need to remove it and separating the tooth from the bone. Also sometimes is needed to cut the tooth in pieces to remove it. After the extraction the area left empty can be quite big and you may need stitches. Some doctors even put synthetic bone to fill the cavity and then stitch it. Over the wand is placed cotton gauze to help stop the bleeding and you can go home.
What is the Recovery Like?
Every patient is different and each recovery is mostly determined by how impacted the teeth were before removal. After wisdom teeth removal you may not feel any problems at all but you also have to be prepared because you may experience:
– Pain and swelling in the area surrounding your tooth and sometimes even in the cheeks if the extraction is difficult and needs surgery
– Bleeding in the first 24 ours
– Difficulties in opening your mouth
– Damages to dental work like crowns or bridges near the wisdom tooth
– Numbness for at least 4 hours after the surgery
Here are some tips to help you prevent and cooperate with the pain or the discomfort mentioned before.
If you have not had your wisdom teeth removed we recommend you schedule an appointment for a consultation today.